Yale Center for British Art
Reference Library and Archive
Institutional Archive

Jules Prown (left) and Paul Mellon ’29 (center) at the construction site of the Yale Center for British Art in April 1974.

Web address http://www.ycba.yale.edu/collections/coll_library-index.html
Location1080 Chapel Street, New Haven
Access policyBy appointment
ContactKraig Binkowski
Email addresskraig.binkowski@yale.edu; ycba.reference@yale.edu
Number of photographs2,050
Date range1966-2007
Geographic coverage

New Haven, Connecticut


The Institutional Archive, a division of the Yale Center for British Art’s Reference Library, is a growing research resource. Photographic holdings document the construction and subsequent renovations of the Center (designed by Louis I. Kahn), public functions, and exhibition installations. The collection includes 350 color slides, 1,500 color prints and nearly 200 black-and-white photographs.

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