Association of Yale Alumni
Web address
LocationRose Alumni House, 232 York Street, New Haven
HoursCall for information
Access policyCall for information
ContactJennifer L. Julier
Number of photographsApprox. 750
Date rangeca.1930 -2009
Geographic coverage

Yale University campus; various Yale club locations


Jim Anderson; Harry Bishop; Drew Dole; Charles Erickson; Michael Marsland; Harold Shapiro; Sara Waskuch; others


The photographic collection documents the history of the Association of Yale Alumni. Materials include prints, contact sheets, slides, and digital images. Subjects include: Yale alumni; executive directors and other staff; AYA Board of Governors; AYA Assembly; Yale clubs; Community Service Fellows; events such as Commencement, Yale Medal dinners, Yale tercentennial activities, June seminars, Coxe Cage football tailgates, meetings, and reunions for alumni, Yale academic departments and Yale College; miscellaneous campus scenes from around 1960 and later. There may be duplicate copies in the Department of Manuscripts and Archives.

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