Yale Center for British Art
Imaging, Rights & Reproductions (Registrar's Office)

Sketch of a Young Girl, ca. 1735, by Joseph Highmore, 1692–1780; oil on canvas, 11-3/8 by 10-1/2 inches (28.9 by 26.7 cm), Paul Mellon Collection. Scanned from a transparency, with color and grayscale bars for color evaluation and print reproduction.

Web address http://ycba.yale.edu
Location1080 Chapel Street, New Haven
HoursCall for information
Access policyBy appointment only
ContactMelissa Gold Fournier
Email addressmelissa.fournier@yale.edu; ycba.photorights@yale.edu
Number of photographsApprox. 86,000 (not all unique)
Date rangeca. 1960-2007
Geographic coverage



Including Richard Caspole, Mike Marsland, Joseph Szazfai


Holdings include photography of original paintings, sculpture, prints, drawings, rare books, manuscripts and other material in the collections of the Yale Center for British Art as well as staff photography of the Center’s architecture, exhibitions and events. Photography in this collection has been produced over time for various purposes, including historical documentation, conservation/technical documentation, print publication and electronic publication.  The collection is used by museum staff and patrons for reference, study and publication.


The department’s approximately 11,000 color transparencies represent about 6,000 unique views of art or objects in the collections. There are also approximately 25,000 black-and-white sleeves each containing negatives and one or more corresponding prints. Select film and prints are digitally scanned as appropriate.

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