Yale University Library
The Irving S. Gilmore Music Library
Yale Collection of Historical Sound Recordings
Web address http://www.library.yale.edu/musiclib/hsr/index.html
Location120 High Street, New Haven
Access policyBy appointment only
ContactRichard Warren, Jr.
Email addressrichard.warren@yale.edu
Number of photographsApproximately 30 shelf feet
Date range1850-1950
Geographic coverage

Europe; United States


No information available


Photographic materials in the collection include images of performers in costume, in concert dress, or in personal or public “civilian dress.” Performers represented are in the fields of opera and concert music, along with a few in American musical theater, drama, and literature. The collection holds a wide variety of types of photographs, mostly cabinet cards, carte de viste, and black-and-white gelatin prints.

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